Rowaka Cancer Group - Sierra Leone
Rowaka Cancer Group-Sierra Leone is a local non Governmental Organization and supports the LIVESTRONG Foundation, with aims and objectives to reach out to Sierra Leoneans affected by cancer or those suffering from cancer.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Editorial: SLPP Fast Degenerating Into Tribal Mudslinging
Ongoing political infightings in the Sierra Leone People Party (SLPP) can best be described as a political party damaging its credibility in the doldrums of hatred and tribalism.
The SLPP is fast degenerating into tribal mudslinging as was again manifested on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 during the hearing of the matter of the former contender of the SLPP Chairmanship, Allie Bangura and others Vs the Sierra Leone Peoples Party, at the Supreme Court.
It was unfortunate to see members of Sierra Leone's oldest political party attacking each other with spiteful languages and using all sorts of tribal anecdotes in the public view around the vicinity of the court.
They were so determined and ferocious that the need for tolerance wasn't adhered to, but manifested total display of damnable detestation against each other, with Mendes attacking Temnes of wanting to defile the SLPP and Temnes accusing the Mendes of wanting to hold the SLPP to ransom.
The action by few of these fanatics of opposing sides was regarded by others, as betrayal of the ethos of democracy, tolerance and respect for the rule of law and a deliberate attempt to sow tribalism in the SLPP.
The matter of the former Sierra Leone Ambassador to Ghana, Amb. Allie Bangura Vs the SLPP is being heard in court and the membership should therefore give the court their full support for a conclusion of the matter.
It does not warrant opposing sides to unleash tantrums as a way to sway the adjudication of the matter because the Judges in our courts knows better and have handled many other cases in the best interest of the nation.
The complainant and the respondent have rights of hearing and the Supreme Court will do justice to the cause.
Vulgarism will never answer their questions and will ever continue to divide their membership if the supporters and members do not stop the attitude of attack and bite!
We want peace to continue to reign in Sierra Leone and now that the majority of the people are awaking to the new chapter of progress, it is important for us all to bring together our forces for the better good of this nation.
Let therefore the matter in the court be heard and let the indifference not again be made to spill on the tarmac of our court. We want peace!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Ebola disease, also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever or Ebola fever, is a rear and often fatal illness that humans and non humans, primates (such as monkeys and gorillas) can contract.
There have been several outbreaks of Ebola fever in Africa.
All of the above are found in Africa, except Ebola Reston Virus which is found in the Philippines.
One can get Ebola virus through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected animal or human. These include blood, saliva, semen, vomit, urine or feces.
According to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, one can also get the virus by handling a sick or dead person or animal that has been infected with Ebola (WHO, 2007)
If you are exposed to any of the African forms of Ebola virus, you will begin to display symptoms within 2 to 21 days following exposure. The onset is rapid and the initial symptoms resemble those of a common flu infection FEVER, HEADACHE, SORE THROAT, JOINT AND MUSCLE SORENESS, AND WEAKNESS.
Ebola fever is diagnosed using blood tests to detect the Ebola virus in your blood. Your Doctor may test you for the virus if you have symptoms of Ebola fever and if you have been recently been exposed to it.
At present, there is no cure for Ebola fever. The only available treatment is meant to help to ease your symptoms. These are OXYGEN THERAPY, INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS, BLOOD TRANSFUSSIONS, and MEDICATION TO TREAT SHOCK AND PAIN MEDICATIONS.
GETTING HELP: Call your Doctor right away if you develop symptoms of Ebola fever or been exposed to it. The earlier you receive treatment the better your chances will be for survival.
You can lower your risks of becoming affected with the Ebola virus by avoiding exposure to areas of Ebola virus. Avoid handling live or dead wild animals or someone who has the symptoms of Ebola fever
Colburn is Sierra Leonean national and medical practitioner in the United States of America.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
HEALTH: Dijae Allie Azim first article on Health Tips
Promote Healthy Diets To Prevent Cardiac Arrest In Sierra Leone
Sierra Leonean national and medical practitioner in the United States of America, Dijae Allie Azim, is imploring Sierra Leoneans to promote healthy diets to prevent cardiac arrest.
Azim says efforts have been spent in finding effective strategies to prevent Cardiac arrest and that one of the prime causes of cardiac arrest is Ischemic heart disease.
“We should encourage efforts to promote healthy diet and exercise and stop tobacco smoking,” she continued, adding that measures such as Blood pressure control, Cholesterol lowering and other Medical therapeutic interventions can be used.
Abstracts of Dejae’s article:
Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency in certain situation and is potentially irreversible if treated late. Unexpected cardiac arrest can lead to death within minutes. This is called sudden cardiac death (SCD). The treatment of cardiac arrest is ‘Immediate Defibrillation’ if a "shockable "Rhythm is present while CPR is used to provide circulatory support. Or to induce a "shockable” Rhythm; a cardiac arrest is synonymous with clinical death.
A cardiac arrest is usually diagnosed clinically by the observation of the carotid pluses. Lack of carotid pulses is the GOLD standard of clinical death.
Myocardial infarction or hearts attack occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked for a long enough time resulting to part of the heart muscles to damage or die. The most common underlying causes of heart attack is Coronary artery disease (CAD), narrowing of the arteries causes less flow from the heart muscles and completely blocks the artery and flow of blood and causes blood clots.
The risk factors are smoking of tobacco, physical inactivity, Obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, eating fatty foods such as too much of palm oil.
Treatment of Heart attack or myocardial infarction: (Administration of Oxygen), Aspirin 81mg or 325mg daily, Nitro glycerin tabs, pain medication, defibrillators that can restart the heart if it stops.
Signs and symptoms: chest pain, angina, shortness of breath, dizziness and sweating, chest pain as if some heavy elephant is sitting on your chest, pain radiates from chest to shoulder, jaws and neck.
When the breathing stops the heart stops 0 to 4minutes - clinical death, 4 to 6 minutes brain damage possible 6 to 10minutes, brain damage likely after 10minutes is irreversible brain damage which is biological death.
Are you prepared for the first response, the ABC of CPR when you find someone unresponsive, call the person, tap or gently shake the person, if the person did not respond call an ambulance or call someone to get a van to take the unresponsive person to the hospital.
While you are waiting for the ambulance you (witness) should be the first person to initiate CPR immediately by doing the ABC of CPR: A- air way: open the mouth by tilting the head and lifting the chin of the unresponsive person will move the tongue away from falling back on the throat and allow an open air way. B- Seal the nose: If the person is not breathing give two (2) slow breathes per 3 seconds, place your mouth around the person’s mouth with a tight seal, if possible, use a mouth piece or protective for fluid barrier. While giving the 2 slow breaths make sure the chest raises for mouth barrier you can use a tiny plastic bag and cut it like the shape of the mouth.
C- Circulation: after 2 slow breaths for 5 seconds, check for signs of circulation by observing the chest, coughing, good skin color, pink if the person is not breathing and blue color when no circulation.
Start CPR 2: For CPR to be effective, compressions need to be fast. 30 compressions should take about 18 seconds, after 2 circle check for pulse, but if you check the carotid pulse ABD are present continues CPR for 2 seconds and stop. If you CHECK the carotid and there are no pulses, stop the CPR and tell the health care team, no respiration, person is gone.
When breathing and the heart stops suddenly, sometimes it’s reversible if CPR is initiated on time and irreversible when CPR is not initiated on time and thus becomes biological death.
Heart attack is myocardial infarction medical term and it is caused by Coronary artery disease by narrowing the Arteries and blocking blood flow and thus causing blood clots and often leads to cardiac arrest.
As for CPR, every citizen should be trained how to perform CPR for people to always be able to check the carotid pulses when they find an unresponsive person suffering from such a condition, the carotid pulses is found on the neck area.
Cardiac arrest needs an emergency care, when breathing stops the heart will stop, the first 0 to 4 minutes; if CPR is not performed the brain will suffer from clinical death. 4 to 6 minutes if no CPR is done, the brain will experience brain damage and if 10 minutes after cardiac arrest if no CPR is done the brain will experience irreversible brain damage, what we call biological death.
My goal is for everyone to know how to perform CPR in Sierra Leone, when I visit my town Kambia and my Orphanage in Kambia I will make sure I train people to perform CPR, it saves lives.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Hope for patients with Burkett Lymphoma in Sierra Leone
Since Rowaca Cancer Group started operations in 2007 as a non-governmental organization on cancer, our efforts have over the years centered on helping children with cancer.
Most of the cases brought to us have often been cases of swollen neck and other swellings in the body with family members citing ‘Morpia’, a local name for the ailment in the Temne dialect, Northern Sierra Leone.
We continuously raise the issue at our normal meetings citing lack of research on Morpia until we get the approval of the country’s forensic pathologist, Dr. Owizz Koroma, who carryout in-depth studies on Morpia and joined our call for intervention.
As a result of our efforts and the support of Dr. Moses O. M. Sesay, a retired surgeon and former Member of Parliament, we were able to know that Morpia is a case of benign or malignant form of tumor, which normally is Burkett Lymphoma.
We were made proud by Dr. Owizz Koroma when he pronounced during one of our cancer meetings that doctors at the Connaught Hospital are doing a research on Morpia.
Today, doctors are looking at the issue of Morpia with efforts being made to address Burkett Lymphoma in the country with a team of medical doctors to be in Sierra Leone soon and will be working with doctors in Freetown and in the North.
We shall be updating you of development as efforts to bring smiles on the faces of people with cancer continue in Sierra Leone.
Alpha Bedoh Kamara
Founder and team leader.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Dep. Minister of Tourism Boost Cancer Advocacy in Sierra Leone
The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Kadija O. Sesay, informed cancer stakeholders in Sierra Leone during a meeting held yesterday at the Connaught Hospital that nationwide campaign should be held for cancer awareness.
The minister, after playing a vital role in the successful commemoration of ‘World Cancer Day on February 4, said she was happy to be a party to the campaign against cancer in the country, adding that cancer is no longer a silence in Sierra Leone.
“Cancer is a worldwide ailment. None of us will say cancer hasn’t kill a friend or family member,” she said, adding that it has been killing people in the country because there were no facilities for diagnosis or medical attention.
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Access to effective and affordable cancer treatments in developing countries, including for childhood cancers, would significantly reduce mortality, even in settings where health-care services are less well developed.
(L-R) Madam Kadija O. Sesay, Dr. Koroma and Mrs. Koroma
The IARC report further states that the spiralling costs of the cancer burden are damaging the economies of even the richest countries and are way beyond the reach of developing countries, as well as placing impossible strains on health-care systems.
“In 2010, the total annual economic cost of cancer was estimated to reach approximately US$ 1.16 trillion. Yet about half of all cancers could be avoided if current knowledge was adequately implemented…” the report states.
Madam Sesay said this is reason why the National Cancer Registry should be supported to be able to provide the data for successful medical attention.
“We have to push the process. We should be the donors and fundraisers to build the campaign against cancer in the country so that our people will know about the ailment and how they could better protect themselves,” she said.
She said the commemoration of World Cancer Day created positive impacts on the lives of many and therefore efforts should now be made by all stakeholders to take the campaign to all parts of the country.
“When we continue to create the awareness it will help change the attitude of our people,” she noted, adding that there is need for regional secretariats on cancer.
“We should get more people involved in the campaign against cancer in Sierra Leone,” he said, reiterating that cancer doesn’t know age, wealth, tribe or colour.
The Director of the National Cancer Registry, Dr. Semion Owiz Koroma, said cervical cancer has surpass breast cancer and that efforts should be made by stakeholders to raise the awareness throughout the country.
He also thanked all the stakeholders for the successful commemoration of ‘World Cancer Day’ and implored them to continue the good work for a better Sierra Leone.
“Having Madam Kadija O. Sesay as one of us is a good omen in our fight against cancer in the country,” he said.
The IARC also states that based on the latest statistics on trends in cancer incidence and mortality worldwide, this new book reveals how the cancer burden is growing at an alarming pace and emphasizes the need for urgent implementation of efficient prevention strategies to curb the disease.
“Despite exciting advances, this Report shows that we cannot treat our way out of the cancer problem,” states Dr Christopher Wild, Director of IARC and co-editor of the book. “More commitment to prevention and early detection is desperately needed in order to complement improved treatments and address the alarming rise in cancer burden globally,” it states, adding that in 2012, the worldwide burden of cancer rose to an estimated 14 million new cases per year, a figure expected to rise to 22 million annually within the next two decades.
“Over the same period, cancer deaths are predicted to rise from an estimated 8.2 million annually to 13 million per year. Globally, in 2012 the most common cancers diagnosed were those of the lung (1.8 million cases, 13.0% of the total), breast (1.7 million, 11.9%), and large bowel (1.4 million, 9.7%). The most common causes of cancer death were cancers of the lung (1.6 million, 19.4% of the total), liver (0.8 million, 9.1%), and stomach (0.7 million, 8.8%),” said the report.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom elects Paramount Chief
Having been elected Paramount Chief of Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom, Porto Loko District, on the 21st January 2010, Paramount Chief Shebora Sheba Gbereh has formally been inaugurated as Paramount Chief of Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom after going through the traditional “Kantha” ceremony.
Hundreds of dignitaries, government officials, Paramount chiefs and local people witnessed the coronation ceremony which officially took place under a big traditional cotton tree at Yongoro Town in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom.
Giving the key note address in another ceremony organized after the official Coronation Ceremony Paramount chief Bai Shebora Sheba Gbereh lll thanked God Almighty, his ancestors and his people for his position.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
AML Executive Director: nobody will reverse the landmark of President Ernest Bai Koroma.
The Executive Director of African Minerals (AML), Mr. Gibril Moseray Fadika, said today (22 February 22, 2014) in Pepel Island that nobody will reverse the landmark of President Ernest Bai Koroma.
“There is no other leader who is deployment oriented than President Koroma,” Fadika said to applauding cheers.
The President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, visited Pepel Island and commissioned the handing over of a Health Center, Club House, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma Flyover, a market and store and Fadika Drive.
The cost of the construction is estimated at USD443, 600. 00, approximately LE1,931,660,000.00 in local currency.
People from the various sections in Pepel graced the occasion amidst drumming and singing.
The President said before the operations of AML in Pepel it was almost a ghost town but that life has again been injected into it with more activities now taking place.
The Paramount Chief of Lokomasa Chiefdom, Bai Massoh Laminaya Ngbathor II, and other dignitaries were in attendance.
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